Make good governance your goal

Having a strong board of trustees and the right governance practices helps to strengthen your organisation.

Are you setting up a new organisation or checking that your group is in good shape? Perhaps you are a new trustee or have been a trustee for years but want to refresh your knowledge.

Here you can find information on governance, charity registration and how to be a trustee.

Have a question or can’t find what you are looking for? Contact us on or 01904 704177.

Community First Yorkshire resources

Trustee recruitment toolkit: enrich your board with the right trustees – our guide will walk you through your trustee recruitment journey from planning and identifying what you need, advertising, interviewing and appointment, to induction. We’ve included some useful templates to help you along the way.

Definitions and structures – quick guide to help you navigate voluntary sector terminology.

Management Committees – our helpful guide outlines the ins and outs of running a successful committee.

Registering as a charity – everything you need to know from setting your aims to registering.

Writing your constitution – getting your constitution right is essential – this guide will talk you through the steps needed.

Why on earth would you want to become a charity trustee? – a guide to the joys and benefits of being a trustee, and the transferable skills you have which could be useful to an organisation.

Being a charity trustee – everything you need to know about the vital role of being a trustee.

What do trustees do? – make sure you’re clear on your trustee responsibilities with this guide.

Patrons, presidents and trustees – quick look at the different positions and roles they have to play in your organisation.

Starting a group – if you’re setting up a group, help is on hand to get you started.

Running effective meetings – we all want shorter, more efficient meetings – this information sheet will help you.

Running an AGM – from the role of the Chair to how to record votes, this guide will help you navigate your AGM.

Closing your organisation – step by step advice on how to close your organisation.

Crisis support for trustees

NCVO – Making Decisions in Tough Times – a webinar on how to make good choices about services, programmes and resources.

NCVO – Governance Crisis: Support for trustees during the coronavirus pandemic – scroll down the page to the ‘Coronavirus guidance for trustees’ section for resources and advice.

Institute for Voluntary Action Research in partnership with Bates Wells – Thinking about… Merger, during Covid-19 – a look at the reasons for and stages of a successful merger.

General support for trustees

Charity Commission quizzes: The Charity Commission’s new campaign helps charity trustees refresh their knowledge on essential duties. It features a new interactive quiz to help trustees test their knowledge.

5-minute guides for charity trustees: Refresh your knowledge with the Charity Commission’s 5-minute guides. Contents include: delivering purpose, managing finances, conflicts of interest, making decisions, reporting information, safeguarding people, political campaigning

How to diversify your charity’s board: Diversifying trustee leadership isn’t an aspiration beyond reality – there are practical, immediate and longer-term steps we can take to create more representative and inclusive boards. Read this new guide by Getting on Board.

A practical guide to embedding young trustees in your Governance – Our Bright Future has created this practical guide to embedding young trustees into your Governance.

From Here To Diversity – new guide to recruiting Black and Asian charity trustees – Action for Trustee Racial Diversity have published guidance specifically designed to support boards with recruiting Black and Asian charity trustees.

Setting up a committee for your nonprofit group – need to set up a management committee for your club or community group? This post from Zurich Insurance shares some useful tips and resources.

Association of Chairs: A Chair’s Compass – this guide focuses entirely on the Chair’s perspective and the particular challenges and opportunities of the role.

Charity Digital Code of Practice – Covid-19 digital checklist for charity trustees and leaders – this checklist is to help charity boards and leaders with the decisions they need to make about digital during the crisis.

GOV.UK –  The Essential Trustee: what you need to know, what you need to do – what’s required of a charity trustee, including your responsibilities to your charity.

NCVO – The Board appraisal tool kit: self-assessment for chairs and trustees – is your board of trustees having problems? Are you struggling to identify, understand or resolve them? If so, this self-assessment tool is for you. It will help you diagnose the problems of your board and give you training to tackle them without any outside help.

NCVO – Make your Board effective – improve the effectiveness of your board by understanding the roles of the chair, trustees and CEO as well as the purpose and principles of good governance.

theFSI – The Essential Trustee Series – this extensive charity training programme, heavily subsidised by the FSI, is at the core of our support for small charities.

NCVO – A trustee’s role and responsibilities – this practical four-part course will introduce you to the key aspects and responsibilities of any trustee role.

Lloyds Bank Foundation – Trustee Recruitment, Selection and Induction – this guide will help you master the basics of recruiting, selecting and inducting trustees – providing the basis to help your charity thrive.

NCVO – Trustee recruitment and induction – looking for a new trustee? Learn how to identify the skills gap your trustee needs to fill and carry out successful recruitment with this four-part training course.

Charity Governance Code – Good Governance – this Code is a practical tool to help charities and their trustees develop high standards of governance.