Grants up to £25,000 are available from 10 January, for community-led organisations to spearhead effective change in their community. Deadline: 21 February.
Funding focusing on the environment
Below is a list of ongoing grants focusing on the environment.
Please note: the ongoing grants listed below do not represent all the funds available to groups.
Searching for funding
If you wish to make a key-word search, please click below on the relevant section, then press CTRL + F. In the search box that pops up, write down the funding body or the name of the grant your are looking for.
Please note this page is reviewed monthly. For this reason, please always have a look at the funder’s websites for up-to-date information. If you know of other sources to be included below please email
Gilchrist Educational Trust - Grants to Organisations / Deadline: 28 February
Discretionary grants are available to support organisations who are carrying out projects that fill up educational gaps or make a specific aspect of education or learning more accessible. Deadline: 28 February 2025.
American Express - Community Giving Programme
Discretionary grants are available for not-for-profit organisations to help promote more diverse and inclusive workforces and communities, build inclusive financial literacy and economic growth, and advance climate action and innovation. Deadline: ongoing.
Banks Property Grassroots Fund
Grants up to £2,000 are available for community and environmental projects in areas close to a current or potential Banks Group operation. Deadline: ongoing.
Biffa Award - Rebuilding Biodiversity
The Biffa Award Rebuilding Biodiversity theme provides grants for conservation projects located within 15 miles of a significant Biffa Group Ltd operation or within 10 miles of a landfill site, with the aim of protecting and enhancing the environment so that it can adapt to threats such as climate change. Grants of £10,000 to £75,000 are available to not-for-profit organisations for community projects that deliver a direct improvement to biodiversity near landfill sites in England. Submissions of Expression of Interest are a rolling basis. The Board meet four times a year (February, May, July and November) to decide which projects to fund.
Brelms Trust
Grants up to £15,000 are available for registered charities in Yorkshire that are working within communities to try to tackle disadvantage and to provide sustainable benefit. Deadline: ongoing.
Brigadier D V and Mrs H R Phelps Charitable Trust
Grants up to £5,000 are available for registered charities carrying out social welfare projects. The applications must be made in writing to:
The Trustees
Brigadier D V and Mrs H R Phelps Charitable Trust
Howes Percival Llp
Flint Buildings
1 Bedding Lane
NR3 1RGTel: 01603 580014
Email: leigh.crowden@howespercival.comDeadline: ongoing.
The Chestnut Fund
Grants are available to encourage and enable independent community conservation groups that are part of the The Conservation Volunteers (TCV) Community Network to carry out conservation activities. The grants fall into two categories:
- Start-up grants of up to £160
- Support grants of up to £350.
Small groups that carry out practical conservation work in their local community can apply. Applications may be made at any time and will be considered every six weeks.
Cobb Charity
Discretionary grants are available for small charities working to promote sustainable environments via educational means.
For further information on how to obtain this fund, please contact the following:
Cobb Charity
11 Wingate Way
CB29HDTel: 01223 977919
Email: info@cobbcharity.orgDeadline: ongoing.
Friends of Nidderdale National Landscape Countryside Fund
Grants up to £2,000 are available for local wildlife and heritage projects in the Nidderdale National Landscape.
Deadline: ongoing.
Electrical Recycling Fund
Grants up to £100,000 are available to organisations to support projects that make it easier for people to repair, reuse and recycle unwanted small household electricals. Deadline: ongoing.
Electric Vehicle (EV) Chargepoint Grant for Landlords
Funding is available to install electric vehicle chargepoints as a landlord, social housing provider or property factor. Charities managing or owning residential property are also eligible to apply. The grant covers up to 75% of the cost to buy and install a chargepoint socket, limited to £350 per grant. Some chargepoints may have more than one socket. There is no stipulated deadline for applications to be submitted.
England Woodland Creation Partnerships (WCP) Grants
Grants, incentives and other support are available for woodland creation by farmers, landowners/managers and community groups, as part of the England Woodland Creation Partnerships. There is no set deadline. Applications are made online. For more details, contact the Forestry Commission for England.
Ernest Kleinwort Charitable Trust (Capital funding included)
Grants are available to registered charities for charitable work in the field of wildlife and environmental conservation. The levels of funding are:
- Small grants of up to £3,000
- Medium grants of between £3,001 and £10,000
- Large grants of £10,001 and over.
The grants can be used for start-up costs, core costs or for a specific project for which applicants have requested support. This could include a contribution towards a building/refurbishment project, purchase of specialist equipment or other similar capital expenditure, or assistance with running costs. Small grant applications can be submitted at any time. For medium and large grants please check the website for key dates.
Esmée Fairbairn Foundation – Our Natural World
The Esmée Fairbairn Foundation launched a new strategy with three key impact goals by 2030:
- Preserved and improved species health and habitats
- Sustainable and ethical food
- Clean and healthy freshwater
The Foundation will be providing larger and longer-term grants of over £30,000, as well as social investments of between £100,000 and £2 million to charities or initiatives with ideas working towards these aims. Apply anytime. The Foundation assesses expressions of interest, and make funding decisions, on a rolling basis.
Frank Parkinson Agricultural Trust
Discretionary grants are available for projects which improve agriculture, and which will have the most impact over the widest area.
Mike Steele
Frank Parkinson Agricultural Trust
Auchencairn Cottage
Tel: 07739183250
Email: mike.steelefpat@yahoo.comDeadline: ongoing.
The Friends of Nidderdale AONB Countryside Fund
A Fund for local wildlife and heritage projects in the AONB, including schemes to enhance or improve the natural and built environment, develop countryside skills, educate, or provide/improve visitor services. The Fund is open to applications from individuals, organisations and businesses. Up to £2,000 is available per project, although larger projects will be considered in exceptional circumstances. Trustee assess applications at meetings held at the beginning of January, March, May, July, September, and November. Apply any time.
HDH Wills Charitable Trust
Grants are available to support registered charities that are concerned with the preservation of wildlife and the environment. The Trust has three funds:
- General Grants: supports smaller charities with general charitable activities across a range of issues as well as charities focusing on the conservation of wildlife and the environment
- Martin Wills Wildlife Maintenance Trust grants: supports the conservation and maintenance – for the benefit of the public – of the natural environment and its indigenous woodland flora and fauna with particular reference to the conservation and maintenance of the character and amenity of rural areas
- Large Grants: supports activities pertaining to environmental and wildlife issues only. (These grants are offered in fixed seven-year cycles, of which only two years are open to external applications.
Applications for general grants may be submitted at any time, with decisions being made by the Grants Committee every month. Large grants are made in a fixed seven-year cycle, with applications accepted in only two years of that cycle. The next time large grants applications will be accepted is from January 2023 to December 2024.
Lawn Tennis Association - Quick Access Loan Scheme
Discretionary grants are available to Lawn Tennis Association registered venues, to deliver projects that enhance community facilities and allow communities to grow participation by having all-year round access to playgrounds. (Deadline: Ongoing).
Nidderdale AONB Greenhow Enhancement Fund
Grants are available for individuals, businesses, parish councils, local authorities and community groups for projects intended to enhance the landscape and biodiversity of the land surrounding the Pateley Bridge Quarry near Greenhow in the Nidderdale AONB. The amount of funding awarded to projects is at the discretion of the Trustees. A total of £10,000 in grants is available each year. Grant payments are typically paid in arrears. Applications are accepted from anyone seeking funding for an eligible project in the local area. Priority will be given to applications from the four Parishes surrounding the Pateley Bridge Quarry: Bewerley, Thornthwaite with Padside, Dacre and Thruscross. Applications can be made at any time and will be taken to the next Trustee meeting for a decision.
The Nineveh Charitable Trust
Grants are available to not-for-profit organisations and schools in the UK for a broad range of projects and activities that promote a better understanding of the countryside. The Trust sets an informal limit of £500,000 per year for distributing as grant aid. Grants are awarded at the discretion of the Trustees. UK registered charities and community interest companies can apply. All proposals should meet the Trust’s current charitable aims:
- The health, welfare and education of the general public
- The study and appreciation of agriculture, silviculture, ecology and land management
- The study and appreciation of land and estate management that encourages conservation of the countryside.
Applications can be made at any time and will be considered four times a year.
Sustainable Development Fund (SDF)
Grants of varied amounts are available via the Sustainable Development Fund, to help support community projects, renewable energy schemes, sustainable transport and eco-tourism. Deadline: ongoing.
The Southall Trust
Grants are available for charities in the UK working in the fields of environmental action and sustainability; social action; peace and reconciliation; and Quaker work. Most grants are between £1,000 and £5,000 for one year. The Trust gives grants for capital and revenue funding. However, generally speaking, the Trust does not fund ongoing running costs where there seems to be no demonstration of the project or organisation’s sustainability. Multi-year funding of up to three years may be available for charities that the Trust has previously supported. Applications may be submitted at any time. Larger grant requests will be considered twice a year at the trustees’ meetings in March and November.
Waterloo Foundation - Environment Programme
Grants are available for projects that can help mitigate the damaging effects that humans are having on the environment. The fund has two main themes: marine and tropical rainforests. The majority of grants in this programme will be for a total of £50,000 to £100,000. Applications are welcomed from registered charities and organisations with projects that have a recognisable charitable purpose.
Annual deadlines for the Marine programme: 1 March and 1 September. Annual deadlines for the Tropical Rainforests programme: 1 June and 1 December.
W F Southall Trust (Capital funding included)
Grants are available for charities working in the fields of environmental action and sustainability; social action; peace and reconciliation; and Quaker work. Most grants are between £1,000 and £5,000 for one year. Multi-year funding of up to three years may be available for charities that the Trust has previously supported. A few large grants are available but are normally for Quaker-based causes. Funding is available for capital and revenue costs associated with work that that addresses at least one of the specified areas. Applications may be submitted at any time.
Woodland Trust Tree Packs
Free trees packs are available to schools nurseries, colleges, universities and outdoor learning centres, community groups such as resident associations, sports clubs, parish councils, Scouts and Guides for planting on an area that is accessible to the public are. You should also make sure your local community are aware of your plans and are happy for you to go ahead. Two delivery periods per year, one in March and the other in November.