A Community First Yorkshire event
North Yorkshire Equality and Inclusion Partnership meeting
This Partnership brings together colleagues from the voluntary and community sector and partner organisations from across North Yorkshire to discuss a range of topics. The aims of the meetings are to provide a forum to:
- increase partners’ understanding of the issues facing people with protected characteristics in North Yorkshire
- ensure organisations making decisions about services provided to people with protected characteristics are aware of the issues they face, and take steps to address the issues
- create links between partners to share good practice, plans and provide feedback on plans and changes to services.
We always want to make sure these meetings cover the things that are of interest to you. If you have any items for the agenda please contact carole.roberts@communityfirstyorkshire.org.uk, before the meeting.
The agenda, papers and Zoom details will be sent nearer the meeting date.
NOTE: if you are not able to confirm online, please contact info@communityfirstyorkshire.org.uk to confirm you are attending and receive an agenda.