A Community First Yorkshire event

Sharing the findings from our VCSE and Partner Survey 2024

Sharing the findings from our VCSE and Partner Survey 2024 

Thank you to everyone who kindly responded to our survey earlier this summer. We’re keen to share the findings with you and hear your interpretation of what the data is telling us.

We are holding an on-line briefing meeting on Tuesday 24 September, for VCSE colleagues and partners, to talk through and discuss:

  • VCSE sector characteristics and sustainability
  • what you told us about your priorities
  • feedback on longer term areas for development
  • use of support services
  • working relationships with public sector partners
  • and your views on partnership working and representation.

Please confirm attendance  here.  There is a button to click for the meeting to be added to your calendar.

The Zoom link will be sent nearer the meeting date to the people who have confirmed.

NOTE: if you are not able to confirm online, please contact info@communityfirstyorkshire.org.uk  to confirm you are attending and receive the Zoom link.