A Community First Yorkshire event

Managing Volunteers Session 4 – Tackling Common Problems

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Just as with managing an employee, there can sometimes be problems with managing volunteers. Do you have the confidence and knowledge to know what to do when issues occur?

Can you ensure the best outcome for everyone if you have a challenging volunteering situation? We’re here to ensure that you have the procedures and knowledge in place to help you.

There are some common volunteer management problems that come up frequently. This session will equip you with the knowledge and confidence to deal with issues, including safeguarding concerns, challenging behaviour, difficult volunteers and confidentiality concerns.

What will you learn?

This training will help you understand:

  • How to identify and assess problems
  • Why an issue has arisen
  • How to respond to challenging situations
  • How to resolve problems to ensure the best outcome for all concerned
  • When to ask for help, self-care and who to approach for further support.

Following the session, you will be able to:

  • Write your own problem-solving procedure
  • Identify when intervention is required
  • Handle difficult conversations
  • Take steps to protect the reputation of your organisation
  • Create solutions to address any changes needed.
What’s included

We will equip you with a step by step plan and the resources to write your own problem-solving procedure including templates, best practise examples and links to further information.

Take advantage of our volunteer management training package

You can either dip your toe into this one training session, or dive right in to our volunteer management training bundle.

We’ve developed a suite of volunteer management training that covers everything you need to know about becoming a great volunteer manager, from policies and planning, to safeguarding, celebrating, recruitment and retention.

Other training sessions available to you include:

Who should attend?

This training is suitable for organisations and groups thinking of involving volunteers for the first time or wishing to refresh their knowledge of good practice in volunteer management.

Please note this training is aimed at voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations and groups based in North Yorkshire or delivering services within North Yorkshire.

About the trainer

The Volunteer Management training will be delivered by Lizzie Clapham. Lizzie has extensive experience in supporting groups with best practice in volunteer management, and runs our Volunteer Coordinators Network.

Cost and concessions

£18 (including VAT)

Why not take advantage of our special rate by booking on all four Volunteer Management Training sessions (including this one) for £55 (including VAT)?

Concessionary places

Thanks to funding from North Yorkshire County Council, we have free ‘first come, first served’ places if you meet either of the criteria below. You can self-select a free place during booking.


  • You are from a North Yorkshire VCSE organisation with an income of up to £5k
  • You are from a North Yorkshire VCSE organisation with an income of up to £25k which is experiencing financial hardship and would struggle to pay .

These spaces are limited so if a free place is not shown when you go to book, you can ask to be added to the waiting list for a free place on a future training session.

No shows and concessions

Please note that if you don’t attend training that you have booked on without giving seven days notice, you will be required to make the full payment. This also applies to free places. This is to allow as many participants as possible access to our training. See our Terms and Conditions for more information.



Attendees can receive refunds for cancellations up to seven days before the event date.

Contact details

If you have any questions about the training, please contact Lizzie volunteersupport@communityfirstyorkshire.org.uk

If you have any questions about booking or invoicing please contact info@communityfirstyorkshire.org.uk or telephone 01904 704177.

Booking details

Book your place here.